
Showing posts from January, 2016

Doors to Nowhere


Hotels and Bees

Since I am spending a couple of nights at Sharon's this week, we decided to head back to Superior and Miami.  It had been awhile and we wanted to see how far they got on the refurbishing of the hotel Magma in Superior.  We were there at the beginning of the updating of the hotel and were wondering how much is completed.  I do believe they have plans of opening it up for business once more. After checking out Superior and taking pictures of abandoned structures, we will head back to Miami.  For the past five years we have watched a growing beehive under an abandoned apartment complex's rotting porch boards.  We were amazed that the hive did not break through.  We want to see if it finally collapsed under the weight of the hive.  We also want to explore a couple of the roads above the apartments to see what is there.  We only went along the road behind the apartments, but never went any further.  We are quite curious to see if there are any more abandoned homes.