Our New Garden

I saved the seed packs to label where each veggie is located. Tilly is checking things out. Post by Julie When my husband and I moved to a smaller house and yard, we wanted a veggie garden but didn’t know where to put it. Our last garden was huge with 4 large planter boxes built by our friend Steve. We didn’t have the space for such an elaborate garden, so we had to come up with a different plan. Sharon had used planter boxes for her apartment’s patio garden and they worked well for her. I found three on Amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GH745WF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) that were just perfect. After getting the potting soil, we bought plants and planted seeds. This area of our garden gets a fair amount of sun without total exposure. We are not sure how things will be in summer with that strong sun, but we will play it by ear. If I have to move things around for better contact with the sun, I will do so. I will post our garden again in a month t...