The next place Sharon and I are taking a road trip to would be Florence, Arizona. There are many abandoned sites, a cool cemetery, a haunted prison, and is close to the town of Adamsville which was washed away by a flood. ( ) We should have more fun pictures for you and hopefully a story or two about the adventure. In the mean time, here is some information about Florence: In the middle of the Desert of Pinal County, Arizona, sits a city of roughly 23,000 residences. In the middle of town is the largest Arizona State Prison complex, and an unspoiled Main Street where the movie “Murphy’s Romance” was filmed. It is one of the oldest municipalities in the county and has over 100 structures listed on the National Historic Registry. Just north of Florence was located a huge prisoner of war camp for German and Italian detainees seized during the North Africa movement and called, “Camp Florence”. This World ...