Our New Garden

I saved the seed packs to label where each veggie is located. Tilly is checking things out.

Post by Julie

When my husband and I moved to a smaller house and yard, we wanted a veggie garden but didn’t know where to put it. Our last garden was huge with 4 large planter boxes built by our friend Steve. We didn’t have the space for such an elaborate garden, so we had to come up with a different plan. Sharon had used planter boxes for her apartment’s patio garden and they worked well for her. I found three on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GH745WF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that were just perfect. After getting the potting soil, we bought plants and planted seeds.

This area of our garden gets a fair amount of sun without total exposure. We are not sure how things will be in summer with that strong sun, but we will play it by ear. If I have to move things around for better contact with the sun, I will do so. I will post our garden again in a month to show how things are growing. We also bought a couple of rose bushes that were planted in an empty space in our planter.

Welcome to our garden:

Walkway to our garden.

Family stepping stones adorn the garden.

We added two grapevines and a tomato plant to this area. We are hoping the grapevines grow all over the trellis.

We added the pallet and piece of wood on each side of the trellis so our pups won't dig there.

This was our last garden. It was huge and grew like crazy. This one will be a bit more manageable. 


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