Dickey's Barbecue Pit

Picture is from their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dickeysbarbecuepit/
Sharon and I love to experience new places for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  She had tried a BBQ restaurant in Chandler called Dickey’s Barbecue Pit and said the food was delicious.  I always appreciate a great BBQ.  We both tried their Beefy Mac which comes in a large box.  On the bottom is slow-smoked beef brisket with a hefty helping of creamy mac and cheese on top.  The meal comes with a drink of your choice.  At the utensil and napkin bar are containers with different flavors of BBQ sauce you can pour on the top of the meal if you wanted, and I did.  The combination of the brisket, BBQ sauce, mac and cheese was so scrumptious.  The service was wonderful and the food melted in our mouths.  I personally would recommend you give Dickey’s Barbecue Pit a try.

Check out their website to see where they are located, their menu, and the history or how it all began:  https://www.dickeys.com
Picture is from their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dickeysbarbecuepit/


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