Desert Disney World

Humm, Disney World in Arizona.  Not sure what to think of that.  I would love to have a place like Disney World a short drive from my home, but our summers are so frickin' hot.  I suppose if they have many air conditioned buildings with rides, water rides, and misting machines all over the park, it might work. 

The plans are to build the park in Casa Grande which is south of Phoenix.  Maybe they can build it near the Domes and incorporate that place into the design.  They compare the plans to Walt Disney World in Florida and say the location has the same feel that Orlando had 50 years ago.  Stay tune to see if this does happen.  The project is currently under review.

If it does get built, that would be awesome.  Don't forget to wear sunscreen, a hat, and carry water with you at all times while enjoying the park in Arizona!

The Domes


  1. Wow! I hadn't heard anything about that. How cool! I was just watching someone's YouTube vlogs about her trips to Disney at Halloween and Christmas. I was feeling a little envious. Maybe we'll be seeing some Disney photos from you soon when this one gets built! I saw the woman in the YouTube video go on Splash Mountain. That would be a good ride for a hot climate. It's an interesting idea, a Disney World that's entirely water rides.


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