Hell for Gold

Here is a little snip-it from my book, "Dead and Buried in the Southwest Desert".

What would bring families and individuals to the southwest desert? The dry climate and unforgiving terrain certainly wouldn’t be the attraction for any human in their right mind. It was the minerals found in the dry soil such as gold, silver, and copper that drew the money hungry opportunist. It was the greed or hopes for a better life which lured the many folks to the barren desert to seek out their fortune. The threats of Indian attacks, overbearing heat, and the lack of water didn’t discourage these determine individuals. Near each successful mine a town grew bustling with businessmen, families, soil doves, lawmen, and of course, the outlaws. Not all these towns were safe, especially during their heyday. Each town and some individuals enjoyed the wealth that the mines brought them. 


  1. So funny to think of the things that people were willing to go through for a little bit of gold.

    Love the snippet. Also love that both of our novels start with the words 'Dead and'

  2. Sounds Good! You have a way with words.


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