No More Business

This sweet abandoned place was found in Superior, AZ.  I don't know how we missed it the other times we were in this small mining town, but I am glad we came across it this time.  It looks like it probably was some type of business.  Whatever it was, it now sits empty and boarded up like many other places in Superior.


  1. There's something sad about a closed-down business, knowing someone's hopes and dreams are gone.

    But there's also something beautiful there, something left behind that's infused into the building itself.

    It's some kind of spirit saying, "Someone was here and this place once mattered."

    I think your photos bring that out, at least they do to me. Very nice shots, Julie.

  2. Arizona - land of really cool hideouts! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I think I can spend the next several years exploring just Arizona and I still won't see it all. This place has interesting places hiding in the most obscure areas.

  3. There is something very melancholy about these abandoned buildings, but there's also a sort of irony in them being outlined against such a cloudless, azure sky. Cool photos, Julie!


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