Walnut Canyon: The Cliff Dwelling Ruins

More than 800 years ago, the Sinagua people built their dwellings sheltered by overhanging cliffs in Walnut Canyon.  The Sinagua, Spanish for “without water”, survived by farming, hunting deer and small game, along with gathering plants grown in the area and trading.  They had to gather water from the river below and trudge up the mountain with water on their heads to their homes.  It is amazing how they survived throughout the harsh winters and summers while living on the sheer cliffs.  The thick walls and the large overhanging cliffs kept them safe and warm.  They would build fires in the center of each room with a small hole at the top of the door for the smoke to vent.  Some of the abodes served as living quarters while other rooms are where they stored their food.

Today, we can follow a narrow path back to the past to get an idea of how these incredible people survived so many centuries ago.


  1. Gorgeous shots. That place is amazing. I was thrilled to see it again.

  2. It is amazing and magical. I was so glad I finally saw these ruins and hiked the canyon.


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