Arizona Trek: Route 66

In a week from today, Sharon and I will embark on a 5 day, 4 night road trip along some of Arizona's Route 66 path. Our journey will start in Flagstaff where we will visit historic sites and stay the night at a known haunted hotel. We booked a room that has reports of an old lady rocking in the chair by many witnesses. I will definitely have my video camera running that night. We plan to have drinks in the hotel's bar which has its own tales of ghosts roaming around. I hope they are in the mood to let us know they are there.

The next day we will head out towards Winslow, you know the city in that song with the line, "standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona". Along the way, there are lots to see. On Google Earth, Sharon found abandoned towns, and historic sites where weird creatures have been seen. We will stop at the meteor crater to take videos and photos. Sharon will be doing FB live along the way. The drive to the meteor crater is very eerie. There are no vegetation or any signs of life. You feel like you are driving on the moon or in the Twilight Zone. In Winslow, we will be exploring the town and all its oddities. The hotel we opt to stay in is a Best Western. At least breakfast is thrown in.

After Winslow, we head off the Holbrook. This town has lots of interesting things for us to visit and photograph. Since Winslow and Holbrook are close to each other, this gives us lots of time to explore. We are hoping to find lots of abandoned sites to take pictures of. We will focus on UFO sightings while in town. We have chosen the Wigwam Motel to stay for the night. They look like Tee Pees.

For our last night, we chose to stay in Payson. Sharon has met some of the residents and can show us places that others might not know of. We are always looking forward to unusual places to visit and photograph. Payson has had several Bigfoot sightings, so we are staying in a small cabin at Christopher Creek in hopes of seeing one. We were up there a few years ago to be a part of the town hall meeting with the Finding Bigfoot team. That was an awesome experience. The Bigfoot stories were compelling even the silly ones like the one from the Hobgoblin lady. After Payson, it is back home.

I will be doing several posts on this trip. I should have lots of photos and videos to share. I will also give information about the places we visit and stay at. We are excited to get this trek started.


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