Scorpion Gulch

We were not sure if this was a resturant or shop..... interesting name.


  1. Man! I didn't even notice the wishing well. That place was so gorgeous, it was distracting. I just love the way the water reflects. Beautiful!

  2. Love the photos and the name. I bet the well was for people to wish they were outta there.

  3. The wishing well was behind the building. It was dried up as many water places in Phoenix are. Yep Sis, I was glad we showed up after the rain to get those puddles. They made for great pictures. Thanks MM, the place is located right on South Mountain and probably had its fair share of scorpions running around. It probably had many snakes too. I know that I would wish to outta there, lol.

  4. I love the name.... Scorpion Gulch. Beautiful photos too.

  5. Those are some great photos. What a great find. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!


  6. Hey Jessica, I like the name too... thanks.

    FQ; thanks, I love sharing any abandoned place I come across.

  7. Not an outdoor pool resort I'm guessing. then again, it is closed down.

  8. Old stuff like that is aways neet to see

  9. Hey Sucio, people went swimming inside the building... or in the well. It's the desert and they had to make due with what they had, lol.

    Jondel; I love the old stuff and buildings too. There is something beautiful about them.

  10. you guys are finding the best abandoned places. cool photos!

  11. WOW! I think this is one of your coolest finds yet. Would be neat to know what it was. Again, very nice pics Julie.

  12. Sandra & Courtney; Sharon seems to know where all these cool abandoned places are. I am glad to be able to see these places for myself.


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