Oatman AZ
Here is a link to a post I did about Oatman and its history:
I finally got a chance to visit this small and interesting town with my hubby. We were spending the weekend at Laughlin and decided to take a morning drive to Oatman. It was only 45 minutes from where we were staying, so we took off for the tiny settlement after breakfast.
I was told that donkeys run freely throughout town, but never really thought about it until we saw them for ourselves. There they were hanging around the stores waiting for handouts. My hubs bought a bad of food for the critters. The store owner said there are two things you must know about feeding the donkeys. One was to not feed them on the porches but in the streets, and the other was to be leery of the more aggressive donkeys that will snatch the bag of goodies out of your hand. He was able to feed them without being attacked and they seemed to appreciate it. Also, watch where you are walking while in the street. There is donkey poop everywhere.
We enjoyed Oatman and its history. I am looking forward to returning with my friend so she can see it for herself.
Yeah, I need to see this place!