The Forgotten Shop

Just on the outskirts of Casa Grande and near the dump, sits an empty building that looks like it may have once been a store or some sort of business.  This town is so small that if you blink, you will miss the entire place, and where driving your lawnmower from place to place is normal.  We didn't get any hints from the mess all over the floors of what the building once was, but at least Sharon picked up a story from a pole in the middle of the room.  It was the second abandoned place we found on our day trip.


  1. That really had been left to the elements for a long time, finding good residual was difficult. I suppose being along the main drag (such as it is) probably had it picked over many times.

  2. I can imagine that it was a difficult place to read. Many people probably wandered into the place just like us. I think the man on the motorised wheelchair may have some answers, lol.

  3. You have an amazing way of taking something ordinary and forgetable and making it unforgetable through photography.

  4. I completely agree with Jessica's comment - there is something about your photos that draw you in as a reader/viewer.

  5. Heather, thanks I love taking them.

    Gabriel, it is free right now.

  6. Great Pics! I love your new color layout by the way! Pretty and professional! LOL


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