Inside the Noftsger Hill Inn

Noftsger Hill Inn
built in 1907
used to be an elementary school




  1. Nice! I like how it's pleasant, but also dark at the same time.

  2. What a really fun place to stay. I love the chalk board still in the rooms.

  3. I was shocked to see a message I left there 17 months ago was still there! Wow! That place rocks. I kind of felt like I was staying at the creepy cousin Eddie's Munster house or something because it sits up on the hill with all the little cottages and is so imposing and dark looking yet hostessed by such a friendly and perky woman. It's one of my favorite places to stay in AZ!

  4. Shockgrubz, that is the appeal of the place. The high cellings, large windows, spaceous rooms, pleasant hostess all give it a warm feel. But other parts of it have a haunting feel to it and I love the combination of both.

    Lois, I will recommend this place anytime someone wants to know where an interesting B&B is located. I am glad she kept the chalk boards up. The place is loaded with many more school antiques.

    Sis, haha... it does have an Addams Family/Munsters feel to it. The inn on haunted hill. The creepy feel, our wonderful hostess and her awesome breakfasts are some of the reasons we love it there. I can't wait to go back.

  5. So you can really stay here? I was wondering if it was abandoned because of all the plant action going on. There's an eerie vibe to these pictures! Someone should film a movie in this place.

  6. Yes Justine you can stay there and I highly recommend it. You would love it. We had some ghosts sharing the room with us. We are pretty sure the little girl ghost moved the Barbie doll on the chalk board when we were out.

  7. Eek! Yeah, that Barbie was strangely one of the freakier parts of your pictures! There's just something about dolls in unexpected places that weirds me out.

  8. When we got back from the ghost hunt at the jail (post to come), I noticed she was lying on her back with her feet up in the air. I didn't take a picture because I thought one of our team moved her but no one did. Too bad we didn't have a camera on her. We will next time.

  9. Great photos, must be a wonderful place to stay!

  10. This place is right up your alley, Jessica. You would love it there.

  11. I'm getting vibes just from the pictures... what a powerful place.


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