Ghost Hunt at the Globe Jail

After dinner we went back to our room to gather up the equipment for our ghost hunt at the jail in Globe, AZ. One of our team members had an event to attend and would meet us at the jail. The weather was hot and very sticky outside. We had concerns about how hot it would be inside the cement walls of the jail. According to our host, it could be uncomfortable. He suggested we do mini hunts of 15-20 minutes and step outside to cool off. Ha, cool off, but he was right, it was cooler outside.

We gathered together in a room on the first floor where a fan was blowing. We saw a quick video on the rules during our visit and the history of the place. Our host then took us around the first floor pointing out all the historic items in each room. He let us explore the jail cells by ourselves. I am thinking it was just too hot and he just didn’t want to go in the back rooms and other floors. It gave us a chance to get the investigation started right away.

My ghost hunt buddy and I went in first. We started on the first floor jail cells for 15 minutes. The back area cells on the first floor housed the worst of the worst. We walked around asking questions but it was very quiet. We never felt like anyone was in there with us. Our 15 minutes was up and we went outside so Sharon and her partner could do their hunt.

As we stood outside the jail, the loud noises of downtown historical Globe was vibrating throughout the street we were on. Across the street, a woman who appeared to be drunk was staggering down the street talking loudly to herself. Cars would drive by and stare at us standing by the jail doors. I was more scared of the citizens of Globe than any ghost inside the jail.

The second time we went upstairs to the second floor where the women and their children were kept. The moment I walked up the stairs and into that area, my stomach started hurting. The first time I went up there to get pictures, I got dizzy. It felt more like we were not alone in this area. I tried using the mother in me to get one of the female ghosts to say something or make a noise. We did hear strange noises and looked for the source but found nothing. We finished our time and felt this area had spirits still hanging around.

After waiting outside for 15 minutes while Sharon and her ghost hunting buddy investigated, we all went up to the attic for an EVP session and séance. Sharon saw a full-body apparition in that area a few years back and couldn’t wait to see if he would reappear to her. We gave her 10 minutes alone in the attic before going up. I had my recorder in my pocket and held my IR camera. I took videos and pictures of the entire attic and of Sharon sitting in a chair. She had an empty chair next to her with the laser grid pointing at her and the chairs. Throughout the entire time I never saw the grid change or anything unusual. However, I did feel like we were not alone. I think her ghost friend was being shy. She felt like there was another spirit holding him back and not letting him appear to us.

The Globe jail with its narrow halls, eerie cells with the metal beds, and dark history make it the perfect place for a ghost hunt. My advice is to do the hunt during cooler weather.


  1. It was a great place to do a ghost hunt. I wish the weather was cooler.

  2. I would like to go back there again for sure. I'd like to hit it on a more promising night. You just never know each time you hit a place. We had a few things occur, but nothing too exciting. I am awaiting the results of the EVPs.

  3. Maybe the next time the ghosties will want to come out and play. At least we can hope so.

  4. Looks like a great place to hunt, even if you didn't find anything. Maybe next time, eh?

  5. You bet Beer for the Shower. Perhaps the ghosts didn't like the hot weather either.


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