Haunted Arizona

If you are headed to Arizona this fall, check out all the fun/spooky ghost tours, hotels, events at all the haunted places around the state.  Check out this website for all the information:



  1. arizona looks to have quite a few haunted locations. I love all the spooky names given to each destination.

  2. Sis, as if we don't hit all the haunted spots all year round, we just gotta plan a Halloween hunt next year, maybe Prescott or Jerome, Bisbee or Globe.

  3. Vivienne; because of all the haunted ghost/mining towns around the state, we have lots of choices to have a spooky time this Halloween.

    Sis; OMG, we need to make plans to be at one of these places on Halloween. I have always wanted to do a ghost tour and stay at a haunted hotel on that day and night.


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