Looking For Abandoned Places

Sharon and I took a day trip to Gila Bend, a small town in Arizona.  The last time we visited this town was in 2010.  Four of our stories in our "Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories" book were from that 2010 visit.  Those places have changed in the two years.  I took many pictures of these places and will split them up in a few posts.  Meanwhile, here are pictures of some of the abandoned and interesting stuff we seen around town.

Ak-Chin Cultural Center 3

A boat at dry dock.

The Trailer Park

The Burnt House

The Stables

The Motel

Old Market

Abandoned Resturant

Old Wooden Water Tower


We were not sure what this was. Sharon thought it looked
like Charlie's Chocolate Factory.

A road memorial.
We saw lots of dust devils on this trip.


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