The Superstition Mountains and the Lost Mine

Hiding in the Superstition Mountains and located about 35 miles southeast of Phoenix, is Arizona’s mysterious Lost Dutchman gold mine.  For more than a century, this wonder has been attracting those who believe in the stories of riches and are looking for the mine. Many have met with tragedy having their lives claimed by the barren desert.  

The Dutchman himself was actually a German miner named Jacob Waltz.  Born in Germany in 1808, he set out for America in 1839 looking to strike it rich.  In 1848 he became a US citizen while in Mississippi.  After not having much luck there, he decided to head west to California.  He ended up in the Bradshaw Mountains, a mountain range in the Sonoran Desert in central Arizona, and was determined to find gold.  In 1968, having made a homestead claim of 160 acres near the Salt River, Waltz would mine the nearby Superstition Mountains.  For about 20 years he would head out every winter searching for gold.  The story goes that on one of his excursion he found the notorious mine and left only a few clues on its whereabouts.  In 1891, Waltz died in Phoenix and the mysterious location died with him.

As the famous story is told, these are the clues Waltz left on the mines location:

 "From my mine you can see the military trail, but from the military trail you can not see my mine. The rays of the setting sun shine into the entrance of my mine. There is a trick in the trail to my mine. My mine is located in a north-trending canyon. There is a rock face on the trail to my mine."

The stories were told from generation to generation having many believe that the treasure is still there even though no one has had any luck in finding it.  The Superstition Mountains were named for all the tragedy that the gold seekers came across while searching for the gold mine.  Many met their demise either from the Apaches, the extreme heat or the elements or the harsh desert.  One of the rock shapes that people come across while searching for the mine in the mountains, is Weaver’s Needle.  This tall mass stands as a symbol for all of those who searched, and possibly died, never finding the Lost Dutchman Mine.

Sharon and I are taking our first road trip of 2013 this coming week.  Our first trip is to the small towns near Globe and spending time in and around the Superstition Mountains.  I should take lots of pictures and will post them and our adventures.


  1. Well, we hope you don't wander the desert and perish in your quest to find the mine.

    Kidding aside, can't wait to see the pictures and hear about the adventure!

    1. We are lucky the weather is perfect for hiking around. Time to go find that mysterious mine...

  2. Sounds like a wonderful place to go for a road trip! I hope you all have a marvelous time.


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