Shining Through

One of the things I love about taking photos of abandoned places is the way the light shines through the cracks, worn out ceilings and walls.  The light peeking through can form the most interesting look making your photography shine.

Machine Shop, Vulture Mine
motel, Gila Bend
Domes, "Beam me up Scottie"
abandoned shop,  Gila Bend
slaughterhouse (looks like a dead body)
abandoned motel, Picacho Peak
church, Globe


  1. Oh, some of those look pretty creepy! I do like the "beam me up..." image.

  2. You take the best examples of really cool abandoned places! Loved them!

  3. Mother Nature knows how to create the best pictures.

  4. I love those photos of the domes! What a neat place to visit. That really does look like a "beam me up" picture. :) I think the effect of light and shadow can really make a photo!


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