Globe's Old Dominion Mine

The Old Dominion Mine is located in Globe, Arizona and opened in 1881.  The mine was rich in copper but minor amounts of gold and silver were found there as well.   The mine did have it share of problems with water in the 14 levels, and in 1917 when there was a statewide miners’ strike.

Many of the Old Dominion Mine workers were Mexican who also participated in the strike.  In order to get them back to work, the mine had them kept in camps along the Mexican border.  These camps were kept in extreme conditions, forcing the workers back to the mines in order to be freed.  The strike did turn out to be triumphant.  The miners were offered better pay and nicer living conditions.
In 1931 the mine closed for good.  Today the mine has been refurbished with talks of turning it into a park.  It is also used as the water supply for Globe-Miami and the district mines.


  1. Old abandoned sites have a life of their own,really like looking at pictures like this. Did you take these yourself.

  2. Yes I did. I am hoping that they eventually open the mine for tours. I would love to see inside this place.

  3. I hope they do something with the place. It is lovely and with a history that interesting it shouldn't be forgotten.

  4. Seriously, if anyone at the mine wants publicity for the refurb, please contact Julie and I! We really want access to photograph it for one of our books about abandoned places.

  5. Jessica, I do to. It would make a great place for tours for those of us interested in mine's history.

    Sis, ditto! I would love to get pictures up close and inside the mine.

  6. "Above The Norm" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.

  7. FishHawk; thanks for the mention on your blog. I will check it out. The picture you chose was one of my favorites I took while on one of my roadtrips.

  8. Cool pics! I definitely wouldn't mine taking a tour of this place. Especially if it had a bar. We need more haunted bars. Buffalo Wild Wings is only fun for so long...

  9. Just wanted to say that the history of The mines in globe will be a story to tell .I lived here all my life and i've been to the mines .photos I didn't take any but I'm sure to next chance I get I'll take some .I love to go to the mine here in globe but there's some I can't get to with out having an escort .from the east !!


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