Looking Up

You never know what you might see unless you look up and shoot.  Here are some of my favorite up-shots:

Noftsger Hill Inn, Globe AZ

Saguaro Ranch Park, Glendale AZ

Bee Apartment, Miami AZ

train, Miami AZ

Crazy Mountain Ranch, Montana

Crazy Mountain Ranch, Montana

Crazy Mountain Ranch, Montana

abandoned building, Morristown AZ

abandoned building, Morristown AZ

Assay's Office, Vulture Mine AZ

mess hall, Vulture Mine AZ

Mystery Castle, South Mountain AZ

Mystery Castle, South Mountain AZ

abandoned building, Fairbank AZ

Courthouse, Tombstone AZ

Tombstone AZ


  1. i also like shots i make when i am on top.

  2. Yep, those can be interesting too.... ha ha!

  3. Beautiful pictures! You can shoot my up shots anytime!

    ...Just say the word and I won't wear panties... ;)

  4. Dr. Heckle, you have me blushing...... tee hee.

  5. Fabulous sis! I also love taking these sharp high angle shots! You can capture so much at that angle that most people don't even notice!


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