Yarnell: Along Highway 89

Highway 89 leaving Yarnell and heading towards Prescott.
We were surprised to see all the abandoned places in Yarnell, AZ which were along Highway 89.  This quaint little town had many boarded up businesses and homes.  The people were very nice and never made us feel weird about taking pictures of their abandoned structures.  The town was named after Harrison Yarnell, who was a prospector.  This mining town was once booming, but with the closing of the mines and the tough economy, it became almost a ghost town.  Today around 650 people still call Yarnell home.

Sitting all alone.

Sharon's favorite abandoned place in town.

There were other faces carved in the ends of each post.

This mannequin face scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.

A very artsy gate and fence.

One of the many business which gone belly-up.

Another bank-owned business.

This giant frog was just sitting there enjoying the nice weather.


  1. Sis--they came out beautifully! That was a magical trip.

  2. I love the face carved into the building. Lovely pictures, as always you capture the spirit of the place.

  3. Yeah, Yarnell had a good feel to it.


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