The Lone Cactus


  1. I have to admit that I have a love/hate with the Saguaro. As I drive through the desert, I swear they're flipping me off, but I also swear they're standing there like silent sentinels and the drive seems less lonely.

  2. It has certainly been there and in charge of that side of the road for a long time.

  3. They all have their own unique individual look to them. I do believe some of them are flipping us off... ha ha!

  4. I don't see flipping off, I see something a little more freudian.

    Is that a saguaro in the desert or are you just happy to see me?

  5. I miss cactuses. It has been years since I have seen a wild one. Thanks for a view of the west I haven't seen in years.

  6. We've been out to AZ 3 times now and not once have we had the time to go to the low desert to visit these beauties. It's become an obsession to get up close to see them. I'd love to be there when they're blooming. They were budding when we out in June. But we were racing around so once again only them from the freeway.

  7. LiI, that one yes, but there are others that are flipping people off.

    Jessica, you are welcome. There are more to come.

    Cheryl, I agree, they are so beautiful in full bloom but be careful if you touch one....ouch. Take it from one who knows, lol.

  8. My entire place is done up in a blend of southwest styles using mostly antiques and unusual finds (as apposed to the chili pepper/kokopelli/fajita night look--which I have nothing against). However, I do have one concession to whimsy, two framed prints: one is an illustration plate from my favorite childhood book (a 1933 childrens book about cowboys) and the other is the cover art to a Tom Mix novel. LOL! Small world. Thanks for the post!!

  9. Cullan, you mentioned Tom Mix and he is my next post... very small world indeed. It sounds like we have the same taste in decorating. I love my antiques, but I need to incorporate my southwest roots in the mix too.


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